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Based near San Antonio,


We are capable of traveling to your location to execute site visits, interviews, training,  and program development. We currently offer services to private/public schools, corporate environments, houses of worship, retail spaces, and any other environment where an active threat may occur.



Rich Laraway is the founder and CEO of Geronimo LLC. He is one of 14 founders of the U.S. Army SERE School, Fort Rucker, Alabama where US Army soldiers receive survival and resistance training. Rich was the quality assurance officer, training officer, and instructor for the school and specialized in Hostage Resistance training Instruction. 


A former Blackhawk Pilot, Special Operations Crewchief, SERE Instructor, Personnel Recovery Officer, and Safety Officer, he has had a unique training career in the military attending many civilian courses that the DOD has adapted to its needs. At the US Army SERE School, he authored, co-authored, and proofed standard operating procedures for the school.  Additionally, Rich has a Master's degree in Safety and Aeronautics.


Rich relies on his Staff and execution crisis management training bringing a survivor's perspective to the end user.



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